Application of VAT on Digital Marketing Services in Dubai

Application of VAT on Digital Marketing Services in Dubai

Dubai is a leading business hub that attracts entrepreneurs and businessmen globally. It provides vast opportunities for digital marketing services. Recognizing this potential, numerous firms have established themselves in Dubai, focusing on digital marketing to help clients navigate the competitive market. Digital marketing has become essential due to the rapid shift from traditional to digital […]

Understanding Non-Recoverable VAT on Entertainment Services in the UAE

All About Non-Recoverable VAT on Entertainment Services in UAE

According to UAE VAT law, most taxes paid on goods and services are recoverable, but there are specific services where VAT is non-recoverable. As per Article 53 of the VAT Executive Regulations, VAT on entertainment or hospitality services, accommodation services, food and drinks not provided in the normal course of a meeting, and access to […]

UAE Corporate Tax Background Landscape: Key Insights

What is the Implementation of VAT on Services Received in Designated Zones in the UAE?

The UAE has long been a hub for business and trade, attracting enterprises worldwide with its favorable tax regime. Its relatively low tax rates make it an enticing destination for businesses looking to expand or establish a presence in the Middle East. However, navigating the UAE’s corporate tax landscape involves understanding specific rules and regulations.  […]

How Is VAT Implemented on Services Received in Designated Zones in UAE?

How Is VAT Implemented on Services Received in Designated Zones in UAE?

Designated zones in the UAE are special free zones that enjoy more lenient VAT rules compared to other areas. These zones are designed to attract investors with tax benefits and operational relaxations. Of the nearly 30 free zones in the UAE, around 20 are considered designated zones under the VAT regime. It’s important for investors […]

How is VAT Implemented on Electronic Services in the UAE?

How is VAT Implemented on Electronic Services in the UAE?

According to Economic Regulations’ Article 23 of Cabinet Decision No. 52, 2017, “electronic services” are those rendered automatically via the internet, electronic networks, or marketplaces. These services are delivered online with minimal to no human involvement and are not in physical form. If a service does not meet all these criteria, it does not qualify […]

Why is Bookkeeping Important for Freelancers in the UAE?

Why is Bookkeeping Important for Freelancers in the UAE?

Managing freelance work can be hectic, especially when it comes to finances. As a freelancer, your bookkeeping and financial records can quickly become disorganized. When onboarding a new client, your first thought might be, “I hope they pay on time!” But what if you forget to send the invoice or lose track of payments due […]

Understanding the VAT Health Check and Its Importance in the UAE

Understanding the VAT Health Check and Its Importance in the UAE

Businesses in the UAE registered under VAT must adhere strictly to the VAT laws established by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). The FTA periodically conducts audits to scrutinize the tax structures and payments of firms. Non-compliance can result in hefty penalties. To avoid such consequences, companies can conduct VAT health checks through experienced VAT consultants […]

Understanding Corporate Tax in UAE: Implications for Your Business

Essential VAT Advice for UAE Entrepreneurs to Prevent Severe Penalties

Corporate tax is a levy imposed on a company’s profits, and its rates differ across countries. The UAE, traditionally known for its tax-free environment, is introducing a corporate tax regime, surprising many businesses. This new tax landscape has led to confusion and uncertainty, as the UAE’s infrastructure for supporting a corporate tax system is still […]

Tax Losses and Their Implications on UAE Corporate Tax

Tax Losses and Their Implications on UAE Corporate Tax

Corporate taxation is a vital component of every country’s economic framework, providing essential revenue for national growth and development. For the UAE, an oil-dominated economy, the introduction of corporate tax marks a significant step toward revenue diversification and compliance with international tax standards. This article delves into the implications of tax losses on UAE corporate […]

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