As a small business in the UAE, you may frequently encounter situations where the VAT charged on goods purchased (input tax) exceeds the VAT on sales (output tax). This scenario isn’t as rare as it seems—nearly 90% of businesses in the UAE face this issue. Many small businesses struggle to recover the tax difference, so we’ve created a practical guide on navigating the EmaraTax platform to claim your VAT refunds effectively.
How to Use EmaraTax to Claim Direct VAT Refunds

To help small businesses in the UAE navigate VAT refunds, here’s a step-by-step guide for reclaiming VAT via the Emara Tax platform:
Step 1: Login and Choose User Type
Log in to your Emara Tax account using your credentials or UAE Pass. Select your user type by choosing the “Taxable Person” tile, confirming that you’re eligible to be taxed under UAE VAT law. Click “Proceed” to confirm your selection.
Step 2: Open the Taxable Person Homepage and Select the VAT Module
Navigate to the Taxable Person homepage displaying your profile. Click ‘View’ to open your profile, then select the VAT module from the left sidebar.
Step 3: Click on the VAT 311 Tile for Refund Requests
Two tiles will be displayed: ‘My Filings’ and ‘VAT 311’. Select ‘Create New’ on the VAT 311 tile to initiate a refund request. Review the guidelines for required templates, documentation, criteria, and processing time. Confirm you’ve read and understood the instructions by marking the checkbox, then click ‘Start’.
Step 4: Verify Personal Information and Details
Verify your personal information and bank details to ensure accuracy. This is crucial for processing the request, as incorrect information may lead to payment failures.
Step 5: Refund Your Desired VAT Amount
Choose the VAT return with the excess amount. Enter the refund amount and click ‘Add Supporting Details’ for a breakdown. Upload the required templates, download the auto-populated table, and edit with further refund details. Indicate any out-of-scope supplies and submit your contact information. Upload the necessary documents and provide a detailed breakdown for the selected tax period. Add transaction details, agree to the terms, and submit the refund request. Note the application number for future reference.
Ensure you access the refund request through the VAT 311 tile within the VAT tax module on the EmaraTax platform.
The introduction of EmaraTax has streamlined tax return filing and refund applications for businesses in the UAE. However, small businesses may face procedural challenges. Consulting expert tax advisors like CDA can resolve these issues promptly, ensuring comprehensive tax assistance whenever needed.
Choose Unicorn Global Solutions for Your Tax Needs!
Now that you’re equipped to claim your direct VAT refunds through EmaraTax, proceed confidently. Should you face challenges or need expert guidance during the refund process, Unicorn Global Solutions is here to assist. Our team ensures a smooth VAT refund experience and offers comprehensive tax consultation. Contact us anytime for support or consultation. Text us on WhatsApp or call us today to get started.