Do Partnerships That Are Not Unincorporated Pay Corporate Tax?

Since June 2023, the introduction of the new Corporate Tax law in the UAE has significantly impacted businesses operating within its jurisdiction. This mandate introduces distinct regulations tailored to different types of businesses in the region.

Partnership-based ventures, in particular, are subject to specific corporate laws under this new regime. These partnerships are categorized into local and foreign partnerships, each governed by different sets of regulations.

Local partnerships further divide into Incorporated and Unincorporated Partnerships, each carrying its own implications for taxation. Explore further to understand these distinctions in tax treatment.

What Do Unincorporated Partnerships Mean?

business people discursion

In the context of the UAE Corporate Tax Law, an unincorporated partnership refers to a contractual relationship between two or more individuals, such as a partnership or trust, that complies with relevant state regulations.

Simply put, unincorporated partnerships involve partners who jointly undertake a business venture without establishing a separate legal entity for the partnership itself. Consequently, the partnership entity itself does not bear a tax liability; instead, the partners individually assume tax obligations.

In contrast, incorporated partnerships are subject to taxation both at the partner level, where partners are taxed on their share, and at the partnership level as a separate legal entity. Similarly, foreign partnerships are also categorized as unincorporated partnerships by default under UAE regulations, provided they meet specific criteria, such as non-taxation in their foreign jurisdiction.

How Are the Partners Taxed in Unincorporated Partnerships Based In UAE?

In the UAE, the taxation of unincorporated partnership ventures follows a nuanced approach due to the partnership not being considered a separate legal entity apart from its partners. Here’s how partners in such ventures are typically taxed:

Navigating the taxation of unincorporated partnership ventures in the UAE can be intricate, given that the partnership itself isn’t treated as distinct from its partners. However, each partner’s tax obligations can be substantial.

For instance, in a profit-sharing scenario dictated by the partnership agreement, each partner assumes responsibility for a designated portion of the profits generated by the venture. Suppose a partner is contractually bound to receive 55% of the profits. In that case, they are taxed based on their specific percentage share of the earnings. Similarly, partners assigned 20% or 45% of the profits are taxed accordingly on their respective shares derived from the venture.

How Is the Taxation Process Applied to Unincorporated Partnerships?

Taxation for unincorporated partnerships in the UAE operates under a system where the partnership itself is considered fiscally transparent, meaning it is exempt from corporate tax. Here’s a breakdown of the taxation process for partners involved in such ventures:

  1. Partnership Registration and Tax Filing:

   Unincorporated partnerships must register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) and obtain a Tax Registration Number (TRN). Despite being exempt from UAE corporate tax, they are required to file an annual tax return. This obligation exists even if the partnership generates no taxable income during the tax year.

  1. Taxation of Partners:

   Each partner is individually taxed based on their respective share of the partnership’s income. This applies regardless of whether the partner actually receives their share of profits. Calculating this tax liability can be intricate, especially in partnerships with multiple partners or income derived from various sources.

  1. Allocation of Partnership Income:

   The partnership agreement outlines how income is allocated among partners. If the agreement lacks specific allocation details or if partners fail to agree on an allocation method, income will be distributed according to each partner’s distributive share in the partnership. In cases where this distributive share cannot be determined, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) will allocate the income.

  1. Reporting Partnership Income:

   Partners must report their respective shares of partnership income on their individual tax returns. This reporting process is facilitated through the FTA’s e-Services portal, ensuring compliance with tax regulations.

Understanding these steps is crucial for partners in unincorporated partnerships to navigate their tax obligations effectively and remain compliant with UAE tax laws.

Compliance Factors Regarding Corporate Tax Law and Unincorporated Partnerships

Compliance with corporate tax laws is crucial for unincorporated partnerships in the UAE, alongside other business forms. Here are key compliance factors specific to unincorporated partnerships:

  1. Registration with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA):

   Unincorporated partnerships, although exempt from corporate tax, must register with the FTA and obtain a Tax Registration Number (TRN).

  1. Filing an Annual Tax Return:

   Even if the partnership has no taxable income, it is mandatory to file an annual tax return with the FTA.

  1. Maintaining Accurate Records:

   Keeping meticulous records of income and expenses is essential. This ensures accurate calculation of each partner’s tax liability and compliance with the FTA’s record-keeping requirements.

  1. Reporting Partnership Income:

   Partners are required to report their respective shares of partnership income on their individual tax returns.

  1. Compliance with Transfer Pricing Rules:

   If the partnership engages in transactions with related parties, it must adhere to the FTA’s transfer pricing rules.

  1. Retention of Tax Records:

   Tax records must be retained for at least 7 years, ensuring they are current and accurate.

Unincorporated partnerships offer advantages, especially for startups. However, navigating tax obligations can be complex. Engaging a proficient fiscal consultant can facilitate compliance and streamline tax processes. If you operate an unincorporated partnership, ensure compliance first, then consider securing expert fiscal guidance to navigate the intricacies of tax obligations effectively.

Unicorn Global Solutions: Your Corporate Tax Advisory Partner

Unicorn Global Solutions is a prominent firm specializing in accounting and comprehensive Corporate tax consultancy services. With our seasoned professionals, we assist businesses in the UAE to navigate the complexities of the latest Tax regime, ensuring full compliance and optimal tax planning strategies tailored to your specific needs. For premium tax advisory services, reach out to our team. Text us on WhatsApp or call us today.

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